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Let us help you get the most out of your CSEA Member Insurance Program

Let us help you get the most out of your CSEA Member Insurance Program
Our benefit programs deliver exclusive benefits at money-saving rates for CSEA Members and their families.

You’re death can be a very stressful time for your family and loved ones. Help protect the people you love with coverage you can trust.

Graded Benefit Term Life Insurance Plan
Get up to $50,000 of CSEA-sponsored Guaranteed Acceptance Term Life Insurance for you and your spouse!
No medical exams or health questions. You are already approved!
2 year limited benefit.

Group TermPLUS Life Insurance Plan
Invest in your family’s financial security. Whether you’re single, a newlywed with a new home, or a parent with college-bound children, the TermPLUS Life Plan helps secure your family’s financial security in the event of your death.
QuickDecisionSM – An online tool available for Members to securely apply fast and easy for Group Term Life coverage.

Group TermPLUS Life Insurance Plan

Group 10-Year Level Term Life Insurance Plan

Group 10-Year Level Term Life Insurance Plan

Long Term Disability

Group Accidental Death & Dismemberment Insurance Plan
The emotional and physical impact of accidents – home or work-related – can be overwhelming. Request up to $500,000.00 of protection from the CSEA endorsed Group AD&D Plan if you actively work, or up to $200,000.00 of protection if you’re retired–GUARANTEED TO YOU!

Group Accidental Death & Dismemberment Insurance Plan

Group Travel Accident Protection

Group Travel Accident Protection

Emergency Assistance Plus

Cancer Care Insurance Plan
Screenings Help To Detect Cancer The CSEA endorsed Cancer Care Plan pays benefits for early detection tests, $10,000.00 at first diagnosis, for treatments and MORE. Add EXTRA protection to fight cancer.

Pet Insurance

EPIC Hearing Plan
We believe that everyone deserves the right to affordable hearing care. EPIC Hearing allows CSEA members and their families access to all brand-name hearing aids and related technology at discounted rates

Long Term Care
Keep more control of your healthcare and financial decisions. Do you worry about paying for nursing home or home health care if you need it down the road? Many Americans do.

Discount Prescription Card
Discount Prescription Card. As an CSEA member, you can now save up to 20% on brand-name prescriptions, and up to 70% on generic prescriptions — FREE of charge!